Unfortunately, I even fall for her really hard, even expressed my feeling. One side of me tells me that, I should not even pursue this girl, who does not have the guilt of dating a man who is married. Does she not understand that he is cheating on his wife?

  1. It’s not that you shouldn’t pursue her, it’s more like you have to tell the wifes of theese men what is going on amd stop talking to her entirely

  2. This is where you have to exercise restraint. You have to listen to your head and not your heart.

    No woman of any value would pursue a married man. She’s got serious issues that she needs to work on. Let me guess, he’s “separated” or in a loveless and just living with his wife for the kids. But she’s his SoUlMaTe he’s ToTaLlY gonna leave his wife when the time is right? Yeah, she’s sorely mistaken and shes being manipulated, and she’s assisting in wrecking a home. Not ok.

    OR, maybe they’re in an open marriage, in which case, you do you. Or maybe she knows he’s a cheating scumbag and is happy to just be the side chick, in which case, she’s a terrible person and you should cut her out immediately.

    Crushes pass if you just accept the feelings and let them move along like planks of wood in a river. Don’t pursue those feelings, don’t be alone with her, distance yourself, and limit contact. Keep conversations platonic and dont get too deep and emotional. DO NOT under any circumstances get drunk with her. You can only be “just friends” with someone to whom you’re attracted if appropriate boundaries are put (and kept) in place.

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