looking for any advice here i’m a (25M) college senior with a full time intern job in GA I was dating my ex ( 22 F ) she graduated this may living with parents ( 1 r 30 mins away ) and currently taking a gap year before law school ( could be anywhere ) she just broke up with me last night

for the past year n half we have been traveling an hour or so back in forth to see and spend time with each other our relationship was perfect. except for when we didn’t see each other after a couple weeks because of school, schedules
but we always made it work.. recently the idea of the future popped up and it was a lot of uncertainty ( living , grad school , etc )
recently we’ve been kinda distance because of work and school with finals coming so i was pretty distance for about a week and half. I don’t know if it’s my fault or maybe it’s the fact we don’t know where we’ll be next year ? just 2 weeks ago was my birthday and she came for 3 days and we laughed and cried and enjoyed ourselves and she told me how much she loves me i’m just so confused on how to feel .

she said she’s need to be alone right now and figure some things out I know ever since moving out of her apartment and back to her parents they been a issue with pressuring her for law school, so i wonder if the stress of the future and the uncertainty of us during law school played an massive part but i truly have no idea .
I wasn’t ready for marriage or kids or anything like that but i was toying with idea of being with her long term and building a future
any advice how to proceed i’m so lost and hurt

TLDR: 22 F broke up with 25 M after year and half no issues until recently and uncertainty for our future 25 M left feeling empty and confused

1 comment
  1. this is really tough and I love giving advice but I personally think there’s a lot you two need to talk about and whether that’s in a week once you’ve both processed a bit that’s ok. all a relationship is is a label. there’s still a lot of love there from both of you but with the amount of stress in her life it seems quite fragile. i think if you really want to pursue her, give her the space she wants and then have a conversation about the relationship calmly. sometimes clinging onto things will only push them further away

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