my bf is so sweet nice and energetic i just feel that we are better off as friends, also another kid who is a grade above us told me he liked me and i’ve had a crush on him since last year. i’m starting to feel like my bf and i are better off as friends, he constantly tells me hot pretty and hot and it’s beginning to concern me that he only wants me for my body. i have some concerns about him and my bsf being really close and he told me i’m prettier than her so i dont have to worry. i’m not sure what to do since i dont want to break up with him and it hasn’t even been 3 full weeks. i’d i do decide to break up with him i dont know how i even would because i dont really have reasons it’s just a feeling
before everyone starts saying he deserves someone better than me and stuff i’m pointing out my main concerns:
my mom and i are both worried there’s something between him and my bsf
he constantly comments on my body “you’re hot” or “you’re pretty”
this is both of our first relationships
we were pressured into it

TL;DR; : I’m starting to have feelings for someone else but love my bf, i’m starting to think it’ll be better if we are just friends. I need advice.

1 comment
  1. You see him as a friend so why bother staying as more specially if you concerned hes more interested in someone else than you, just tell him its over as you only see him as a friend.

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