Where do you derive your confidence?

  1. From knowing that I am talented at certain things. Focus on your strengths and not your weaknesses.

  2. Lots of things.

    I’m married. I have a good job and make decent money. I lived by myself and supported myself before getting married so I know I can make it just fine on my own. I’m not the best looking guy in the room, but I’m not ugly. I’m fit. I never got fired or had any repercussions at work for incompetence, so I know I’m reasonably smart enough to do a job. I graduated and had an easy time in school when others were struggling.

    Lots of things to be confident about. None of this makes me special. I bet a lot of this applies to a lot of dudes here, even you. Confidence is just about being realistic about who you are and what your accomplishments are. Give yourself a pat on the back when you deserve it and learn to recognize when you do something good.

  3. Simple I derive it from myself. It comes from anything that I know I’m good at and apply it to things that I’m just starting or aren’t expecting to be great at

  4. In your ability to get things done. That’s it. Regardless of what’s going on. Do you trust yourself?

  5. I faked it till it became (mostly) real. Sometime confidence is just a willingness to look into the given task/problem/whatever and give it a go.

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