I’m talking about like actually scrubbing it with a toilet brush.

  1. The seat, daily. The insides, really whenever it’s visibly in need of a scrubbing. A week, maybe?

  2. Once a week unless it obviously needs it before then. I wipe down the seat and lid and all that with a disinfectant cleaner like 5 times a week

  3. Once a week or once every other week…if I get any drips I usually use a Clorox wipe right away to keep it fresh

  4. I used to deep clean once a week but I’ve been so busy lately that now it’s as soon as I see a ring

  5. the toilet and the kitchen area I always keep clean, that’s some kind of rule in my house, all else is dirty AF

  6. I have something called Saturday Morning Clean Up. It’s just like it sounds but is actually quite annoying and vexing. But I’m not working on it and trying to have a good time instead

  7. My wife cleans it once a week on a schedule and I clean it once a week so twice a week. A heavy male ratio in the household dictates twice a week as a minimum to avoid urine mess/smell.

  8. My MIL is anal about cleaning, and comes round at least once a week. I make sure it’s sparkly and good enough to eat from, whenever she comes round 😂

  9. Bleach tablet in the tank so it gets refreshed with every flush, and scrubbed every 2 weeks or so.

  10. Not really sure. The brush is right there next to it and so is the cleaner, as are wipes for the rim/seat if anything gets on those. If I see it looking dingy or like a skid mark or something I’ll use them and move on. This is an as-needed activity not a scheduled one.

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