Also helps to know what you do for work

  1. Doesn’t matter. Most of the jobs I’ve worked, it was 80% women. I’ve worked in education, childcare, and social work. I will say the couple retail jobs I had where I did have a decent amount of male co-workers, I was sexually harassed.

  2. My favorite workplace was roughly 50/50 (manufacturing). The places with mostly women (assisted living) were fine too. I currently work at a place that is mostly men (warehouse), and I am going to avoid similar jobs in the future.

  3. I do laborious work and I prefer females to do work, and a couple men to entertain us for work. So 10f – 2m

  4. Where I (f) work there is about 75 men and 3 women. I work in construction and there is usually zero issues.

  5. I don’t care as long as everyone is good at their job, chill, and respectful

  6. Marketing. Ideal workplace is where people who do their job and support each other, regardless of gender. The only ratio that matters to me is team players vs selfish assholes

  7. I’m in the navy. So I’d like at least one other woman, preferably around my age or paygrade

  8. The teams I’ve been on recently have been around 50/50 and I like that. I do accounting at a corporation, and I have a lot of both male and female friends at work.

  9. I would say I dislike being the ONLY woman. Apart from that, doesn’t matter if they’re competent and good natured.

  10. As close to 50/50 as possible. I work in local government currently but have previously worked in hospitality and briefly in healthcare.

  11. I work in banking and it is probably 75% women and it’s fine with me
    50/50 would be ok but I think I might feel intimidated if there was a significant majority of men.
    Overall as long as they are easy to get along with and hard working, the gender makes no difference to me.

  12. I work in biotech.

    Probably 50/50 for workforce, but with more women in positions of authority.

    I’ve been sexually harassed by male coworkers and superiors too much and I need female authorities to take that seriously and shut that shit down.

  13. Doesnt matter, but I did love working at my
    Previous workplace because it was all women. I feel
    More comfortable around them.

  14. The closer to even the better, I find. Being the only woman is unpleasant and alienating but some of my all female workplaces got weird and cliquey. My current job is in STEM and very gender balanced.

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