I’ve been thinking for a while now that I’d like to be in a relationship with a girl, even just talk to a girl. The problem is that the context in which I live (a small town) doesn’t allow me to meet new girls and try this type of experience. I hope I can go on trips from next year and meet some girls like this soon.
My boyfriend is aware of this and is OK with it. But I don’t know what to do because I see it as a betrayal. What do you think about it?

  1. Just go for a threesome so everybody is included and then you don’t have to think of it as betrayal. If you get jealous your boyfriend doesn’t even need to fuck the other girl and can just watch the 2 of you or only fuck you.

  2. He seems really fine with it. Good for you 🙂 But you still see it as a betrayal. Why? Have you really told him about having experiences? Or does it just collide with your own believes (or believes you once had)? Sometimes, we like fantasies, but as soon as we are on the way to fulfill them, we step back.

    It’s hard to judge from the outside, but to me, it seems as you may even be afraid of falling in love with a girl and therefore sooner or later leave your bf. Maybe, deep inside, you know that might be a very realistic scenario, at the same time, you don’t want to hurt his feelings and also don’t want to give up your relationship.

    But I (m) wholeheartedly understand your desire. It sounds interesting and exciting.

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