So, for context I’ve been using many tips from Instagram, YouTube, this subreddit which has helped me alot in my first year of college, its been like 3 weeks since the start of college and I’ve made some (too) many friendships.(simple like when ever we meet we ask how was the day, what lectures you had, what did you eat and general stuff about college n food, college clubs, fist bumps and stuff )
I’ve always been a introvert and this incidend happened between me and this introvert guy.

1) So i was in the queue to have dinner and this introvert guy comes over and talk how was my day and how he’s been doing and general stuff. He asked me how my A B C D clubs were going. I creeped out a little. I don’t remember talking to him. So I asked how did you know about my clubs and he said we talked about it few days before somewhere. I still don’t remember talking to him, but I’ve been in his place when I was in school, many students would forget what I talked to them about and it would get so embarassing for me.

So my question is, am i being over-extrovert, like i cant even remember the face of a guy because i talk to like 10 new people every day. While talking we don’t expect to remember each other’s name but the face at least.

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