So I starting dating my gf almost a month ago. We were good friends and grew closer til we are what we are now. They told me about 2 weeks ago that they are a virgin and was nervous about sex, i told them it was okay as i myself was one too. They did tell me they had diagnosed Turner Syndrome (born with only one X chromosome instead of two) about a week ago when we first tired to be intimate with each other. Last time we tried again and with proper lubrication, was able to get it in but we never finished since they told me it was hurting alot. They blame it on the syndrome and I of course try to be very understanding of the situation. Im not sure if theres anyone out here with any experience with this syndrome but i would definitely appreciate some advice or knowledge if it has that great of an effect on their sex life or it was just a combination of nerves and virginity. I really appreciate any input on this matter

  1. Well… With any special case involving issues related to the sex of a person and…. Sex, they should probably consult with their doctor. I would suggest you both write down concerns about it and have her take them to her obgyn.

  2. It’s possible that TS is causing problems. The only way to be sure, though, is by medical assessment. That bisca delicate subject to bring up, especially if your gf is certain that TS is the cause of the problems. Has she offered any specific explanation or how the TS has affected her. It would be worthwhile exploring what TS is about and what some of the effects of it can be. Ask her how it has affected her, she may well have had a detailed diagnosis but is reluctant to get into the details of it. It may affect how she feels about being a woman so you need to be diplomatic.

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