Hi, I’m 17F and this year I decided to try and get out of my shell and meet new people. It’s been going better because now I make small talk with 1-2 people in every class period, who have now become acquaintances.

The problem is I can’t seem to get close to any of them. I’ve invited them to several hangouts which go… decent, but in the end, nowhere. I guess I’m too boring and just lack chemistry with them (with everyone?)

I’m not fully in a lunch group with anyone, but for the past 2-3 months I’ve been trying to join this one group. I’ve eaten lunch with them every day, invited them to my house 3x (they went every time and posted abt it on Instagram, I think they had fun). However, I’m making all the effort and they still haven’t added me to their GC, still forget to text me if they change lunch locations, rarely invite me anywhere. Some of them are just now starting to invite me a bit, but I still feel like it’s lacking. What am I doing wrong? I’m pretty sure I fit into their group dynamic.

Everyday, I secretly feel desperate when no one texts/invites me anywhere, although I obviously never show it and try to act interesting/friendly. I’m no-one’s favorite or closest person, and that really gets to me. I also feel embarrassed because the lunch group must KNOW that I don’t have many close friends, which is why I’m hanging out with their group during lunch. Can someone tell me how to fix this?

1 comment
  1. High school is temporary and in college you will have a much larger group of people to make friends with. Have you tried joining a club or volunteering somewhere. Working on a play behind the scenes ? Part time job ?

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