What is the secret of your beauty?

  1. There is no one answer to this question as everyone’s definition of beauty is different. Some people may find that drinking lots of water or getting enough sleep helps them to look and feel their best, while others might believe that investing in quality skincare products is the key to a youthful appearance. Whatever your personal definition of beauty may be, there are likely several habits or rituals that you regularly perform that help you to feel confident and beautiful.

  2. My mom passed down some good genes. She was a real looker. I just wish she’d passed down her red hair to me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  3. I have asked this questions with expected answers.. But, the answers will give one conclusion which all of us aware but not accept.

  4. The only beauty that matters is the kind that comes from within. Being a good person is the secret to beauty.

  5. Being fat. It means my face is plump and therefore does not show the wrinkles. I don’t recommend it for the rest of your body though.

  6. Honestly? My partner. He has told me how beautiful I am for the 20 plus years we’ve known each other and you know what? I think I believe it now.

    Realistically? Sleep, water, skincare, and trying to be the kindest person I can be.

  7. How I carry myself.

    Iā€™m a pretty girl, but to be completely honest I donā€™t find myself any prettier than average. But I think itā€™s my upbeat personality and smile that takes my ā€œbeautyā€ to the next level.

  8. Drink lots of water (For clear skin)

    Jog a few miles a day

    Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night

    Never eat junk food or fast food

    These are the things I do to keep myself looking good.

  9. Honestly, my mom and the women of my family.

    Also water. Collagenā€¦and a killer skincare routine which I finally have down.

    But if Iā€™m being serious, I feel like itā€™s my soul thatā€™s really beautiful. I havenā€™t let anything taint it yet, from all that Iā€™ve experienced, and I truly believe thatā€™s a beautiful thing. Iā€™m still me, but more advanced. I know better than young me.

  10. – exfoliate my face daily and my body 2-3 times a week.

    – Try to get plenty of sleep.

    – use moisturizer on my face twice daily an body once daily.

    – use sunscreen when Iā€™m outside for extended periods.

    – try to eat a healthy diet

    – donā€™t smoke at all-this includes weed and no I donā€™t eat edibles.

    – Very very rarely drink alcohol. Maybe 2-3 times a year Iā€™ll have 1 single drink.

    – genetics

    These have been my go-to for years and according to others and myself tooā€¦I donā€™t remotely look my age. I get folks saying I look about 10-15 years younger then I am.

    My mom & dad also donā€™t remotely look their age and they live healthier lifestyles too. My dad competed in his first bodybuilding competition at the age of 60. Took home 2nd place too the beast!!!
    My parents are in their late 60ā€™s and they look to be on their mid-late 40ā€™s.

  11. I really big lips and they sunburn, get chapped and dry easily. The last few months ive been exfoliating my lips every night. Put on a lip balm and then lip mask. Those three steps changed every night changed my life. My lips are now super luscious everyday. Might just be in my head though lol

  12. In terms of physical beauty, definitely my hair. As much a I like my hair flat, I feel more authentic with my curly hair. It takes time to manage but always worth the time.

  13. That itā€™s mine. The whole world tries to make women feel less about themselves. Iā€™ve somehow learned to appreciate my own beauty in spite of that.

  14. Taking really good physical care of myself.

    And also being in control of what’s going on in my mind and heart

  15. A healthy diet of wit, rum, and sarcasm, followed with a monthly full moon blessed bath in the blood of all those who would seek my ruin šŸ’œ

  16. Literally picking something to make sure I feel good. One day it could be me doing my hair, tomorrow it might be my favorite outfit. Either way, Iā€™m picking something to highlight everyday. That really helps me feel good about myself.

    BUT, itā€™s mostly my skin care. People absolutely drool when Iā€™m bare face and skin just doing itā€™s own thing. Definitely get more compliments when Iā€™m wearing no make up

  17. I used to have perfect skinā€¦never moisturized or used crazy products, just a nutrogena grapefruit face wash. Now Iā€™m turning 30 I have so much acne and dry skin itā€™s insane.

  18. Confidence.
    But I’m sure having a skincare routine helps. Never go to sleep with makeup on.

  19. Good genes.

    Good food. Lots of vegetables.

    Good people around me.

    Active life – not only physically active but intellectually active as well.

    Good skincare. It doesn’t need to be fussy or expensive.

    Positive outlook with feet grounded in reality.

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