How do you think you’d rate your speech skill out of 10? How do you think you’d rate the majority of your friends’ speech skill out of 10?

  1. I would be a 7, I can hit it out of the park most of the time. Other times times it should have been a bunt.

    My friends would say a 3 but thats because as any player knows your best npc’s are a bit catty, and always an ass to you.

  2. Speech is communication, not grammar. I control the conversation which raises the level of communication around me… therefore they have to maintain the bar that I set.


  3. I would have a amusing low speech skill, but I can play around it. I can still convince people that I am right by trying to convince them that I am wrong. But I don’t know if my low speech score would be because of a debuff.

  4. I’d say a 4 right now, but I used to be at 1, and I’m approaching 5! Honestly, viewing socializing as a skill or a “muscle” you have to work out has massively improved my self-esteem. I used to think there was something wrong with me because I had so much trouble socializing, but now I realize that like anything else, some people are born with the skills while others just have to practice

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