Friends? Hobbies? Celebrities? Current events? Of attractive people?

  1. Friends, fashion-focused accounts (more people than brands), travel/tourism accounts, local bars/galleries/events, and art pages.

  2. My family and this guy Chris Sweet who has about a billion gorgeous snakes. He free handles his king cobras and it’s like a train wreck about to happen I can’t look away from.

  3. I made mine just to chat with a friend there.

    But I also follow musicians and personalities I enjoy, like Bill Burr, as well as anyone who wants to be friends. So far it’s just the one, but hey…

  4. since the algorithm is completely garbage, and 3/4 of the content is some shitty tik tok i deleted it. And i don’t miss it even a bit.

  5. i’m one of those people who use instagram like it’s facebook lol. i don’t follow anything but personal account of friends and family. though i do check out posts of my interests that’s in my search feed but for the most part i don’t even check instagram in general honestly.

  6. Mostly friends and people I know personally.

    My employer.

    Some outdoor / sport / tech brands I use.

    Some random people from the same areas who followed me and whose accounts I find interesting.

    Local photo shops (for the photo class announcements and discounts).

    Several comic artists.

    1 pro athlete

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