Why is a situationship more appealing than a relationship?

  1. Relationships are not all sunshine’s and rainbows. They can come with a lot of baggage and headaches. They can often times have complex power dynamics where one individual is applying pressure to the other to get what they want.

    Situationships are more temporary by nature. You have far less on the line and maintain much more of your own independence. Also as a guy women generally behave better and treat you a lot better when they know you have the easy option to leave.

  2. On a guys side, it comes with all the positives of a relationship without the pressures of one. Even if it’s exclusive, you guys enjoy all the physical and emotional benefits of one when you are together, and you don’t have to worry about introducing to family and friends, and “real” life stuff.

  3. I don’t agree that it is better, but I think people like to avoid opening up about their feelings for fear of rejection.

  4. Honestly? There’s two possibilities: because you’ve never been in a healthy and loving relationship or you were in love and got burned and now have some baggage. I can’t imagine someone having experienced that good love preferring a situationship. Understand why those who have been hurt might, but that’s something to be worked out in therapy

  5. For me personally, I find that most relationships end up being kinda one sided in favor of the women. They get what they want most of the time.

    When I have to compromise, I have to 1) go hang out with their friends, 2) go see their families, 3) spend money, 4) do a bunch of all day activities I have no interest in.

    When they have to compromise, they have to 1) not do those things and just chill with me at home… and uh… lol

    With a “situationship” I don’t have to compromise and it’s great.

  6. Because a situationship doesn’t require emotional investment, commitment, or any loss of freedom.

  7. Unless you want kids with her, there is no benefit to a man of upgrading a situationship to a relationship.

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