Which moment / incident made you feel like “ I hate living alone as a women” ?

  1. I was a college student travelling the lightrail late at night around downtown. A guy who looks shady (or homeless?) was harassing me. I kept trying to ignore him. Eventually I got off at my stop and he did as well. It felt like he was following me and I was fast walking towards my apartment without looking back, thinking “I hate being a girl”.

  2. I used to live with housemates. During Christmas, they all went home but I stayed because I had work and my family was too far away. Then the home invasion happened and I’m never the same since. I absolutely hate living alone and I always checks doors about five times before going to bed.

  3. There is no particular moment or incident that made me feel this way. I think it’s more of a general feeling that I get when I’m alone and feel like I need help or protection.

  4. I’ve never experienced this. In fact, I love living alone so much that I don’t think I ever want to be in a relationship that involves moving in with another person ever again.

  5. I love it 99.99% of the time. But every now and then something makes a weird noise or the heater is being funny and I just have to figure it out? All by myself? I can call the landlord for some of it, but other stuff, I’m just on my own? That seems very unsafe

  6. Knocking yourself unconscious by accident and no one noticing for so long that you somehow die from it.

    (Didn’t happen, but it’s a big fear)

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