So for context, there’s a girl in my university I frequently see. Two weeks ago I invited her to a coffee in between lessons, it went well we had a fun talk. After that I shoot my shot and asked if she wants to go out and eat, she said yes (it was yesterday).
We met at the restaurant, we had a fun night talking and laughing. After the date, I texted her saying that I enjoyed the night and want to know her better and meet again next week…well she said she doesn’t have time to meet up every week and it’s stressful rn.
I’m glad I asked her out, I’ve got an answer, had a fun night with a great girl and got out of my comfort zone, that’s an absolute win for me 🙂

  1. Well done. The key to an early relationship is to not be too clinge. There is nothing worse than meeting someone and them acting like your best mate / life partner after a date or 2.

    I’d keep contact with her – irregularly message her, see how her week is going or anything Uni related, etc. But don’t be too fast in asking her on another “date”. Be very casual about it, almost like you’re just interested in being friends – this will keep her more keen.

  2. Good for you! We don’t always have chemistry with someone so don’t take anything personally. Sound s like a fun date though

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