Im a senior and theres this hispanic junior girl i really like, im hispanic too, and she was in my first period last quarter but we never talked, sometimes when her basketball would fly over to me id pass it back and we’d smile at each other. and sometimes when we pass in the hall we kinda just smile at each other. and i found her on my ig one day, i added her and she added me, i never messages her until kinda recently, we talked a but and then we added each other on snapchat, we have been talking a little bit, i asked her about her music taste and kinda what she wants to do when she graduates, and we’ve been hitting it off well, at least just talking anyways. But i want to tell her how i feel about her, i don’t want to weird her out tho since we have only really just now started talking and we don’t know each other all thatttt much, and since we only see each other in the halls now i was gonna tell her over snap, i wanna do it like simple and to the point but also i don’t wanna be super pressuring about it, how should i go about this? and should i do it now? or maybe wait? and when i do tell her i kinda wanna ask her out on a date, how should i word it? Any help is super appreciated! Thanks!

1 comment
  1. I’m proud of you op !!! First thing when asking someone out is always keep an open mind about it . Just because you like them Dosent mean they have to like you , AND THAT IS TOTALLY OK.

    I would just throw it out there op and tell her how you feel . I’d personally wait for the latest text back from her if you guys are talking , and then reply back but then start a new paragraph I’d say something like

    Heyyy desperate_loss I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you more when I actually had a class with you , you are just so pretty and intimidating. Anyway I was really hoping maybe you would want to catch a movie this Saturday ( my parents can pick you up and drop you back off after the movie ) assuming you talk to your parent and clue them I.

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