How would you feel if your spouse asks you for a threesome?

  1. We’ve already talked about it – we’re open to the idea but neither of us consider it essential.

  2. It’s been discussed but I’ve aired my insecurities about FFM so instead we are talking MFM 🙂

  3. I’d say no. I’m bi so I’ve been propositioned many times for one, but I have no interest in having sex with more than one person at a time, ruins the intimacy imo. If I was happy to share my spouse, for me that’d be alarm bells that I wasn’t truly into them anymore.

  4. No, nope, negative, not a chance, nah, no way, nyet.

    There is no type of “open relationship” that I will even consider.

  5. I’d be interested, maybe? I don’t mean to sound wishy-washy, but it’s an idea that sounds fun and exciting on the surface but in reality feels like more drama and angst than I think is worth it

  6. When my partner asked, originally I was nervouse (what is this ruins things? Will I get jealous? Am I good enough?). But after some talks and research I started to look forward to it and in the end really enjoyed it.

    I think the fact that my partner didn’t talk as if he had someone in mind and even offered for me to pick or start with a mmf really made me feel more comfy.

  7. No thank you! But he already knows this. If you’re in a monogamous relationship with me – we’re monogamous. End of story.

  8. Definitely I will be pissed off. I’ll believe that I’m not enough for him and it’ll make me hella insecure. DIVORCE!!

  9. I’d just say no thanks. He’d be fine with that answer.

    Genuinely though, I don’t know if he’d suggest a threesome with another man or a woman. I’d be more inclined to go for two guys, but not enough to actually be interested.

  10. When I first get with my partners I let them know that it’s not something we’ll be doing so don’t ask. If he still asked after that I’d say you already know the answer so why ask? Is there someone in particular you’re thinking about? And I’d pretend to maybe go along and if there was a potential somebody I’d probably leave. That’s likely someone he wants to cheat with or already has and he disrespected me by thinking he had the option of opening my body to another woman.

  11. Thing is, it’s the always fmf threesomes they want yet they wouldn’t dare Agee to a mmf one

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