I have a presentation next week on a article. I am a junior in college and this is my first college presentation because of Covid. I am very scared, I used to have bad social anxiety where I couldn’t walk in stores. It’s not as bad not but I am extremely nervous for this. I don’t know anyone in the class as well. It’s only about 2/3 minutes so that’s why I’m pushing myself to do it and not skip. Does anyone have advice for presentations with social anxiety?

  1. Public speaking is one of the top phobias. For now, just know that everyone is just as nervous as you are getting up to speak in front of a crowd. Know your material and practice, practice, practice. Fortunately you have a very short presentation so it will be over and done with before you know it.

    Look into area [Toastmasters](https://www.toastmasters.org/) to practice your public speaking going forward. There are clubs all over the world.

  2. Completely understand the way you are feeling, presentations have always been a tough ask for me as someone with ASD/social anxiety. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is practice practice practice. If you really know your presentation it will be so much easier on the day and can help with some of the nerves. The other thing that really worked for me all through uni is the physiological sigh (think that’s what it’s called) Andrew Huberman talks about it a lot, search on YouTube and you should be able to find info on it but it’s honestly a life saver for calming nerves!

    Good luck with your presentation, I hope you smash it!

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