I (22F) recently entered a relationship with my boyfriend (23M) and things have been going great. The past two days, he has cancelled plans due to being exhausted yesterday and then cancelled plans last minute tonight due to feeling sick. I’ve been understanding as those are things he can’t control, but I also feel incredibly insecure and anxious about this too.

The reason why I’ve been feeling insecure and anxious about him doing this is because I’ve had guys I’ve dated and really liked in the past cancel plans on me repeatedly only to eventually end things with us. My boyfriend has apologized for doing this and said that he really wishes he could see me and really wants to see me soon, so I feel like an awful girlfriend for feeling how I do rn. Any advice on how to snap out of this feeling?

  1. I mean, I understand these things that have happened to you in the past were difficult, but it sounds like you’re obsessing. Your boyfriend is sick. Being sick is no fun. Why don’t you offer to bring him soup or something.

  2. Therapy could help, maybe talk to him about it, communication is key. I get it happened to you before, but that doesn’t mean he will and its not good for either of you that you’re so obsessed over it. He’s just sick.

    Maybe bring him some stuff or go and hang out with him.. Even without a car going to hang out should be possible, right?

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