my bf and i had protected sex last nov. 22 and i just finished my period on nov. 19. my menstrual cycle is regular (29-31 days).

the thing is, we put the condom on the floor after we finished and we were only able to check the condom in the morning which was hours after sex; and it has a hole, a small cut, 1 inch from the tip.

we only had one round that night and did not ejaculate inside even with the condom on. he finished >10 seconds after pulling out.

i am worried of the precum if ever the hole happened during sex so i am thinking about getting plan b; however, after some thought, i realized that even if there’s precum, it would’ve gotten to the tip of the condom and still served its purpose.

i used to think that there’s nothing to worry about but i think i do need more assurance and advices from people that may have been in a same situation. thank you in advance for ur input!!

1 comment
  1. It’s way too late for plan b. It will probably stop you cycle being regular causing loads of stress or make you feel quite sick. It only works up to 72 hours after sex and works best the sooner it’s used. If he didn’t come in you then the chances of pregnancy are much lower. The place on your cycle makes it even less likely you are pregnant. Just don’t stress too much as this can delay your period. If you really worry you can take pregnancy tests from a few days before your next period is due.

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