What lessons about money did you learn from your parents?

  1. Quite a few:

    – How to be frugal: my parents never had flashy cars (most were used too) and didn’t spend much money on _things_. We were always behind on appliances: we never had a VHS (yes, I’m old), had only one small tv for the longest time, etc.
    – Thinking long term: My parents never chased any “get rich quick” schemes. They were always about saving/investing steadily with each pay check.
    – Spend money where it matters: My parents valued education and paid for my and my siblings careers. They also always helped other family members when they needed it. They also valued _experiences_ and spent money on family trips and other things that would help us grow, bond with family and make amazing memories.

  2. Be as cheap as possible, don’t spend on big brands but if you must, make it last.

    Have a credit card with a limit and steadily repay it every month.

  3. Some lessons about money that I learned from my parents are to always be mindful of what I’m spending, to save up for things that I want, and to try not to accumulate too much debt.

  4. Don’t work much, my father is doing Jobs where someone pay less than he must pay for fuel even though he have normal work 5 days a week

  5. Bad ones. Like not to enjoy it, save save save. For what? Oh yeah, for my ex to take it all in a divorce. 🤣🤣

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