I have a total of 4 now. Need to plan my rotation.

  1. I wear my Family Guy “Merry Freaking Christmas” t-shirt randomly throughout the year.

  2. December would be typical.

    But tbh do what you want. Life’s too short to worry what other people think of your jumpers.

  3. Never appropriate to buy any new ones. If you have them, then after Advent Sunday which is this Sunday.

  4. “Christmas jumper day” is December 8th, or so some charity or other has declared so that might be the day to do it.

  5. I need to start by starting my wife is American, but from 17.00hrs today, which is when Santa goes past Macy’s during their parade every thanksgiving.

    I figure their start to the holiday season is reasonable enough. Though I would have been happy to start on 01/11.

  6. I guess I could wear my “NOW I HAVE A MACHINE GUN, HO-HO-HO” jumper any time, but I only ever wear it on Chistmas day. I suppose you could say it’s my habit.

    And some habits die hard.

  7. Why is this a trend now? Had it always been this way?

    Someone at my work wants is all to wear Christmas jumpers last week of the year and I don’t have one. I don’t want to buy another jumper I have about 90 already

  8. 1st of December for me. My husband has a neon pink playstation Christmas jumper that he waits all year to be able to whip out and ot made its forst appearance last weekend.

  9. Whenever you want. It’s 2022 and someone probably fought for your freedom to wear whatever the fuck you wan’t. Don’t listen to the Santa police.

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