Whenever I try to talk to someone, they just always seem to be uncomfortable. Or they want to straight up laugh at me. This problem has followed me throughout my life and I don’t understand why. I’m not ugly or stupid( i think). I’m just an
average human of a being. I hate this society. I hate everyone.

  1. It could very well not be you (or partly), but it could be your enviornment. A lot of places are inhabited by people with similar like mindsets. You might be ment for something differnt. If you can’t move and explore outside of your state, enjoy your hobbies and you are more likely to find people with more of common intrest. Out of billions off people on Earth, there are people that will be interested in you, and the ones that are not become less significant

  2. I don’t particularly care for Dr. Phil but he did say one thing that makes sense. What do all your past relationships have in common? You.

    That sounds bad, but it really isn’t. It means you have control over your situation. The question you need answered is, what’s going on?

    I’ve rarely seen anyone actually laughing at another person. It seemed more common when I was a kid and teenager. So when you say people laugh at you I find that odd. What are they laughing at? In my experience, people laugh as a way to distance themselves from being accused of being uncool. And when you’re young, it’s vital to maintain high social value no matter the cost.

    As for why people avoid you, it might be because you’re awkward. People get put off by awkward people because it’s hard to understand their intentions. They don’t know what you want.

    Even if all you want to do is talk casually, you might be sending them incoherent signals. It’s like that feeling you get when someone is friendly to you out of nowhere. You wonder, why is this person talking to me? He never talked to me before. What’s his angle? Is there an angle?

    Anyway, awkwardness is one potential reason. That’s my guess. It could very well be something else.

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