Hi all. I (27f) recently moved to a new team at work. I’ve known all of the members for about a year but this is my first time working more closely with them. I want to get to know them better, and actually one of them (28m) came to me to tell me that he really admires the work I do and that he asked about me to my friend (she moved to another company as of a few weeks ago but we are close). I texted her wondering what exactly he asked about and she basically said that he wants to get to know me and talk to me more. That was encouraging to hear, but I’m still so shy to initiate conversation. I’m afraid of bothering them when they look busy or intruding on a conversation they don’t want me to be in. On top of all that, I’m living abroad so I’m interacting with them in my second language. Even though I can speak well enough, I get worried that I won’t be able to fully express myself in the moment. What should I do? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks so much.

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