I lived here my entire life and can’t figure it out.

  1. American culture is a hodgepodge of immigrants primarily from from Europe and Central/South America + Mexico, combined with old American cultural roots from emancipated slaves and colonial descendants.

  2. Well…im Native American and my tribe has its own culture and so do hundreds of other tribes that have their own cultures….so theres that

  3. I’m not tryna insult anyone.. I lived briefly during college in the states.. most ppl have that “we are better than everyone” mentality.. it didn’t affect me I was way better than most lol

  4. American culture is all about money. It drives every part of this machine. Mostly every major good and bad deed is about money. Those with lots of it have power to make things happen. Those without it just complain and think their vote will change something. At the end of the day most of us are falling between the toilet water and the asshole.

  5. American culture is not a monolith, it’s regional, whether it be or Washington or Maine or California or Texas or South Carolina.

    American culture isn’t a single culture. It’s the food, music, beliefs and pastimes of that area.

    If I was writing an essay, I’d take that angle and start exploring each of those areas.

  6. Depends on how far back you want to go and which America we are talking about. I’m going to assume the USA.

    But overall, I’d say liberalism for sure. The idea is that we are individuals who have divine value, worthy of choice, and freedom from authority.

    Which really is just the surface of another culture, which is protestantism, or the idea individuals can interpret the Bible individually without an authority (the Roman Catholic Church) guiding them.

    But yeah, America is uniquely liberal. Especially compared to anywhere else in the world. It’s literally our tradition. Even our conservatives are pro liberal rights in many instances.

  7. It’s so ubiquitous that people don’t realize it’s American culture. Europeans who try to roast the US for having ‘no culture’ don’t realize that they’re basically cultural colonies of the US.

  8. Different regions in America have different cultures. A Midwestern city like Detroit or Chicago is going to be different from a West Coast city like San Francisco, which is different from New England, which is different from….

  9. That REALLY depends where you are. We’re called a brewing pot of cultures for a reason. Colorado isnt California and California isn’t Georgia

  10. What do you mean? You guys literally try to _colonize_ the world with your culture: movies, music, tv, food, sayings…

  11. Exploration and undistributed income.
    Ahh – and the fear of communism.
    And racism.

    I guess we can start there.

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