Eg. Sunday Roasts, cups of tea, queuing…

  1. Humour and terms of endearment which are depreciating to oneself or one’s friends/loved ones.
    Try calling an American friend you’ve been through the mill with an old cunt. See if you stay friends.

    This is an obvious generalisation.

  2. Wanking over how British you are by making pretentious Reddit posts about things that are ‘quintessentially’ British.

  3. Sarcasm.
    We don’t notice it because it’s constant and obvious to us but it can be confusing to others.

  4. Muttering “you’re welcome” when someone doesn’t thank you for holding the door open for them.

  5. The real answer is pantomime but no one wants to talk about that.

    It’s the one cultural thing we were never able to export. If you try to explain it to someone who didn’t grow up with it they will think you are insane. And yet to us it’s such a normal part of Christmastime.

  6. Tea. I’m a Pakistani, and I drink daily and while I don’t make it in a traditional manner, I quite like Britishness of it all.

    When I’m alone, I like to stick my pinky out as I sip my tea to further emphasize the experience.

  7. I tut at people who jump a queue but don’t actually say anything to them, just as long as they hear me tut…they know.

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