I am 25 years old. I have 3 older siblings-a brother and 2 sisters. Me and my brother have a decent relationship. Me and my one sister have a good relationship. Me and my oldest sister never really had a close relationship. She’s 13 years older than me. We don’t really talk. Me and her will talk to each other like in a group but not really one on one. It’s always been that way between us.

My 2 other siblings have a closer relationship with her than I do. I wish we were closer but I don’t know how to get closer to her.

She’ll text and call my other 2 siblings but not me. She talks to them on a regular basis. We’ll text each other like on our birthdays and holidays but that’s about it. It’s never to say what’s up or how you doing or just to have a conversation. A lot of times I feel left out and excluded when she contacts my other siblings but not me.

I want it where all of us have a good relationship with each other. I don’t want it where me and her are the only ones who are distant from each other.

How can I get closer to my sister?

**Tl:Dr: Me and my oldest sister have always had a distant relationship. I want that to change. My other 2 older siblings have a closer relationship with her than I do and they all talk on a regular basis with her. We can go weeks without speaking to each other. I feel left out a lot of times when they all correspond with each other and I’m the odd man out. I would like to be closer to her but I don’t know where to start?**

  1. I think telling her just what you posted here is the best idea. She may have always felt that you didn’t want to have much to do with you and that could explain her distance from you. You don’t know until you try reaching out.

  2. You need to log in the time. In order to have quality time, you need quantity. See if you can visit more often and just hang out. Bring food.

  3. Is there more to this story than you are telling us here? I have 9 siblings, 5 of then are sisters. I have one sister much younger that I speak to as little as possible. We grew up with an extremely conservative, physically, and emotionally abusive mother who often hit us with a belt or a plastic pipe 50, even 100 hits at a time or made us stand straight against the wall with no slouching, bathroom breaks, food, or rest for hours at a time while she screamed at us. I think the record was 7 hours.
    Anyway, the sister I rarely speak to started to report any minor infringement she saw, and to OUTRIGHT LIE to our mother from a very young age (5) about the rest of us whenever she was bored or mad or thought something was unfair.
    To this day I don’t trust her.
    Interestingly, she periodically texts me saying she needs to have a deeper relationship with me .

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