I (25M) recently moved to a new city and haven’t made any new friends outside of work.

I go to the gym in the mornings and see the same people who are familiar faces at this point but I’m afraid to approach them and start a conversation.

I’m pretty good at talking to people but my social anxiety/fear of rejection makes it very difficult for me to approach people or start conversations. It’s something I’m actively working on though therapy but would love to hear your advice/stories as to how you’ve overcome this issue.

  1. Gym is not an easy place to make friends, some people goes for a little of *me time*, it’s very common.

    Maybe if you join classes together like spinning or pilates (idk what’s available) will be lots easier to talk to people at the beginning and the end of said class.

  2. “Action cures fear” my friend. Better to start not in the gym though, based on my own experience I would say, that needs a little more confidence. Why not start with simple exercises on the street / public places, and then apply that newly won confidence to the gym?
    If you’re still up for the gym though, simply go situational, when approaching people such as “Chest again” or “You’re probably working on your chest again”, casual.

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