First time here, but hoping for some advice. I (F40) have a bf (M40) who does double takes at women while I am present. I have addressed the matter and stated that it makes me uncomfortable that another female who hasn’t earned his attention is getting it. He said he does it because he enjoys it but would make an effort to stop. Well it hasn’t stopped. I’m at a point where I am turned off and have no desire to be the warm and affectionate gf I once was.

This cuts me to the core.
This may sound ridiculous, but it’s scares me to be single at our age because the singles market is almost non existent (within my age group).

  1. Try doing the same to him. I can’t imagine he’d enjoy you looking at other guys-then hopefully he’ll get the idea

  2. Ewww, I would be too embarrassed to be in the presence of this middle aged man who cant control his wandering eye. Let alone talk to him about how it makes me uncomfortable.

    Also you’re 40. If you think you’re too old to date again (btw you’re not), then you’re far too old to put up with this sleezy high school behavior.

    >it’s scares me to be single at our age because the singles market is almost non existent

    It may be tough, but it’s still possible. Dont lower your standards and date a trash can because you think there aren’t any singles out there. Because one day you’ll reach your breaking point and wish you had ledt today and ventured outside instead of wasting your time on him

  3. He’s not respecting you. This is something a horny teen does. Tell him to stop. He doesn’t need to try to stop he just needs to stop. If he doesn’t, he’s showing you he’s literally still looking to get with other women. I’m 44. Trust me we don’t have to look. I’m sorry your bf is an AH. Find a better man. You know what they say d*** comes a dime a dozen and you have a dollar.

  4. Because you are afraid of being single you are going keep garbage around and put up with it. He is not going to change. You are better off accepting being single and complaining about that instead of complaining about him. If he’s still checking out other women then it’s a matter of time before he moves on. He is trying to line someone else up first before he does.

  5. 40-year-old men who ogle other women in front of their partners, if this is not agreed upon behavior, are negging creeps. He’s negging you by doing this. PS: I found the love of my life at 40. 40-year-old women are hot as hell, and I have many female friends today who are much older than 40 and pulling in whatever relationships they desire.

  6. I don’t think it’s petty, just a taste of his own medicine 😂 It’s a little weird that he keeps doing it even after you’ve brought it to his attention though-it’s not like it’s a reflex that he can’t help is it

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