For stepping onstage I should rock your knot. From 8 mile.

  1. In the context of that movie it sounds like a threat of violence. “Rock” meaning punch/fuck up and “knot” meaning head, I guess.

    “I should fuck you up for daring to challenge me here” basically

  2. Urban Dictionary (not always the most accurate source, but there it is) says it means to kick your ass.

    I would have assumed it meant something like “blow your mind.” Knot=topknot=head. That seems closer in context.

    Maybe someone who knows Detroit slang can confirm which it is.

  3. I haven’t seen 8 Mile in about 15 years. But, that’s not a common expression or even a regional one, I grew up not too far from the setting of that movie. Remember that hiphop is absolutely full of language play and hyper specific references to sometimes obscure or local things. Also, context matters A LOT.

    Was Rabbit wearing a hat and coming off stage and one of the other guys said he was going to “rock your knot”? The other person didn’t want Rabbit on the stage? Was that it? It sounds like an attempt at intimidation or an actual threat of violence. The “knot” could be his hat.

    “Rocking” someone is slag for punching or hitting, but even that’s contextual. “I’ll rock your world” to your girlfriend means “We’re going to have amazing sex”. “I’ll rock your world” to a person you don’t like is a threat of violence.

    If you can find the clip on Youtube, it would help. With American English and [AAVE]( context is absolutely vital.

  4. From the context I’d say beat someone up

    But it sounded like try and have an affair with a married person or damage their marriage lol since marriage is “tying the knot”

  5. I read fanfiction, so I really don’t want to say what it makes me think.

    If you know, you know. (And I am so sorry you are cursed with this knowledge)

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