TLDR: Gf shows no concern for future prospects of us being together.

I (19M) have been lately thinking that my girlfriend(18F) is not serious at all about our relationship, despite her repeatedly claiming to the contrary. We have been in a relationship for more than 4 months now and have been friends for over a year. A recent incident made my beliefs almost concrete.

So the situation goes like this : We are both applying to colleges in a foreign country and will be migrating there for higher studies(we both just graduated high school). I told her that the college I am most probably going to join is in City A. She told me that the college she is going to join is in City B while she is also considering a college in City C as a backup plan. As soon as she had told me the colleges and cities she had shortlisted, I looked up their distances from my prospective college to get an idea of the probability of us being together there. I had thought that she must also have looked this up and must be praying that we end up close to each other. For background, we have repeatedly reassured each other that we are going to make this work all the way to marriage, no matter what. She says that I am the only one she wants and she is totally sure of that.

However, yesterday, we were talking about our colleges when I asked her how her application process was going.( Someone else is seeing over all the process while she is just inputing suggestions). She told me that she applied to a college in city C too (which is pretty damn far from my college). I was like…oh and became concerned…at first, she had no idea why I went silent but then she, very casually, asked me “How far is City B from City A?”….I was speechless…..

While I completely understand that our careers are the first prioriry here, even for me. I had shortlisted my college thinking about what is best for me only. However, I DID pray that her college is in the same city or atleast close to mine. On the other hand, she apparently doesnt care. It has been 15+ days since I told her that my college is in City A and she just asked me where it is. That clearly means that the thought “Are we going to be together?” did not pop up in her mind even once because if it had, she would have easily looked up the distances.

I have not talked to her about it yet but I am seriously thinking that she is not serious about us at all. While I know that she is not cheating on me(she has almost inactive socials, the only time she talks is with me or her girl friends and otherwise too, she is an incredibly sweet and simple girl) but I believe she isnt serious about me either.

  1. I mean why should she compromise her college so you can go to yours?, like wise I don’t expect you to bend over backwards to satisfy her but I fail to see how she’s in the wrong here. Also mind you it’s still only been 4 months even if you declare you’re both there till marriage

  2. She is probably as serious about you as an 18 year old can be. Do not plan your college years around a girl…especially one you have been dating for a few months. You have your whole lives ahead. Don’t rush. Slow down and enjoy the ride.

  3. She’s treating your four month old teenage relationship with all the gravity it requires – none. You won’t be getting married, you won’t even be a couple by this time next year. Dating at this age is a learning experience. You’re about to learn that people change drastically between 18 and 22.

  4. She’s stringing you along dude. Regardless of what she says, it’s just the truth. This same thing your going through is the same thing that happened to one of my old high school friends as he was transitioning into college. Although he’s happy now and found someone else.

    Be realistic. Before the time comes, start to mentally prepare yourself for when she inevitably breaks up with you or starts caring less and less so you break up with her. Either way, this won’t last because she’s making it obvious as she isn’t putting any thought into the relationship whatsoever from what you’ve said.

  5. “I had shortlisted my college thinking about what was best for me only.”

    You said it yourself, and why shouldn’t she do the same?

    Dude, you’re 18. Go and live your life, meet tons of people, learn and grow. Let her do the same.

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