Where do you hide food and secretly eat it to avoid people commenting on your diet?

  1. I hide chips and nutella at the back of the pantry, but not because I care about people commenting on my diet. I do it so that those moochers don’t eat it all and leave me with nothing.

  2. To be clear, I’ve got a good diet, I make healthy, home cooked meals, and I’m quite active. But I do have my guilty pleasure foods that I know will f*** me up potentially, but sometimes I just want to have some instant gratification comfort.

    These foods are usually pasta or rice. I wish my digestion handled them better because they feel like a heavy warm hug at first.

    My partner knows these foods mess me up. So out of concern he will adamantly try to talk me out of eating them. But sometimes the digestive woes the next day are mentally worth the immediate comforts.

  3. I don’t hide them. My diet is fine. People are free to disagree, but what goes into my body is only up to me.

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