As the title implies I’ve done a thorough thinking and have came to the conclusion I’m just going to die alone.

I’m not good enough to love anybody, and if I can’t love who I want to love I’m just better off dying alone.

I wouldn’t be the first man haha but, no matter how hard I try I can’t get a girlfriend and that’s okay.

I take advice from almost anybody I can and use it to get little to no good results.

I’m tired of trying. I’m tired of dreading my own existence on this earth I’m just ready for this feeling to end.

I seek no advice this post but only ask for respectful listeners.

I’ve tried everything, putting myself into situations to talk to women to only get absolutely humiliated.

As far as self improvement on the gym goes, I have top tier shit genetics. I’d love to hop on a fuck ton of juice atp but, my family would shun me for such an act.

I love the idea of everything behind women. Even though I’m not loved by females I’ll never stop liking them because that’s what I’m attracted to.

  1. Hey man,

    I know how this might sound because I’ve been in your situation, but…. take it easy.

    Dating doesn’t come easily to most people. Everyone is just kind of doing what is “normal” or what other people told them to do. It’s ok to not find success right away. Also, relationships aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. It’s really hard to find someone you connect with and even after you do, relationships take work, it’s not always easy.
    I would look into why you think you need a girlfriend….. You don’t. Like yeah, I can totally recommend having a great girlfriend who loves you for who you are, but you’re not incomplete without one. You’re just you! And that’s great. Who are you?? Do you draw stuff, play video games, go on hikes, build stuff? It’s okay to just be you man.
    Stop worrying about your genetics or looks or whatever. It’s really not that big of a deal. With proper hygiene, and just trying to look presentable, I’m sure you look fine. Don’t sweat it so much. Not everyone needs to be buff or swole to look good. Not all girls like that either.
    It’s funny that I’m telling you this because I have a huge problem with it myself but DON’T BE SO HARD ON YOURSELF. Really. It’s ok. You don’t deserve to treat yourself this way. I’ve been struggling with depression, PTSD, and social anxiety for years now and it’s really my biggest take away.
    You are probably a GOOD human being. It’s ok to feel sad and frustrated, but don’t let this experience be the highlight of your life. Also I can totally recommend therapy or counseling or just talking to someone about your feelings. It may sound unappealing or weird but it’s totally worth it. Therapy saved my life.
    Just be yourself. I know it’s a cliche but it’s true. Trying to be someone you’re not isn’t the answer. I felt the exact same way in the past. I’m skinny, kinda awkward, whatever whatever but then I found girls that found that charming. Believing that I wasn’t good enough or that I was unlovable was a huge problem for me and still kind of is, but neither of those things are true. And they’re not true for you either.
    I think you’re doing the same thing that I did, trying to meet girls with only the intent to date them. You can just meet them too. Make friends wherever you find them in life.
    I hope you feel better. I’ve definitely felt this way before and I hope you can work through it. You ARE good enough and you’re not incomplete without a girlfriend, you’re just you. Be you.

  2. For one: make sure you like yourself and enjoy spending time with yourself. Do what it takes to like yourself better every day. Go to therapy if possible.

    Two: be kind to the people around you, without expecting anything in return. I don’t mean to let people use you. Do say no when people try to abuse your kindness. But let kindness be your basic attitude.

    Three: you can love whomever you want. If they don’t love you back, you may have to love them from afar and wish them well, but nobody can forbid you to love anyone.

    Four: as long as you _believe_ you are not good enough, you won’t meet an interested woman, because your opinion of yourself shows. Learn to believe that you are, in fact, good enough, that you are worthy of love just like the woman that you want to love or any other person you know. Again, therapy can help you with that. You deserve love, and love is all around you and wants to enter your heart, as soon as you let it in.

  3. First of all, I’m sorry for being blunt here, but you need some tough love.

    I see you’ve dismissed every comment suggesting any type of change, which tells me that you just want to wallow in self-pity and not actually solve your problem. And that is where your problem with women, bad relationships with family and friends, all stem from. Your gloomy personality drags people down with you and no one likes that. People have their own problems, they don’t need yours too, **especially** if you’re unwilling to solve them.

    If you’re depressed, get help ASAP. If you’re not, you could use some therapy either way.
    I suggest that only after you notice improvement in your mental health and personality, only then you can try looking for a partner. **Looking for** not chasing. I’m pretty sure women run away from you because your eagerness scares them.

    Your physical appearance and your genetics are the least of your concerns right now. Fix your attitude first, because people want to feel better after interacting with others, not worse. You have many options, you can go to therapy, read self-help books, watch YouTube videos about philosophy, book online therapy sessions… Whichever suits you best. Best of luck.

  4. Don’t you get it your trying ! let it come to you . You can’t make it happen. It’s not a game it’s life no matter how hard you try it’s not going to be made by your own hands. Get out try not to be noticed it will happen.

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