One of my British friends is 23 and has had a license since he was 16. I’m 18, not British (an international student actually) and I want to experience driving. I’m not from any EU country either, I’m from a third-world Asian country. Would it be illegal if he just showed me the ropes regarding driving? We live in Oxfordshire

  1. I think you can do it on your own land, but not somewhere like a public car park. Also, wherever you do it, the car’s insurance won’t be valid so it’s risky if you were to hit something or someone.

  2. That would be illegal. You would need a provisional license, and the car marked with L plates. You would also need insurance as a learner.

  3. Technically if the other person holds a full licene then it should be fine as long as you have L plates on as well. Most driving instructors would do something similar especially if they are new drivers or parking in a bay

  4. You can drive on private property without a licence if you have permission. Not a car park though.

  5. It probably is a bit illegal as it’s on a public space. You’d need a (I think) provisional license, L plates on, and the other driver needs to be 21+ with 3 years experience.

    However if it’s empty and you’re not crashing into stuff nobody is ever really going to know or question you

  6. If it’s a private car park, the owners will only be granting access permission for the purposes of parking, not other activities. If it’s owned by a local council they may even have introduced local bye-laws which give the police authority to enforce prevention of unauthorised activities (because nearby residents have possibly complained previously).

  7. Its private land, but as it’s a car park is classed as a public right of way too. So you need a provisional license.

  8. Might be worth looking into the experience days over at Bicester airfield. They are mainly aimed at under 17s to get their first taste of driving but they claim to do adults too. Not cheap though.

  9. Technically but widely practised, but it would cause big problems if you did crash into someone/something while doing so. There are companies that set up in areas like car parks where you can get experience.

  10. If you want to experience driving, get a provisional license and pay for some lessons. That will be with a safe, insured, experienced instructor with dual controls to override any stupid mistakes you make.

  11. The road laws apply where the public have access, including private land and car parks like that. What you describe is illegal.

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