Guys of Reddit have you ever dated a baby mama? How did that relationship go?

  1. Do you mean a single mother? Yes. Didn’t work. There were (still are) fundamental, irreconcilable lifestyle differences that make it impossible for me to have long-term relationships with single mothers, so I never tried again and never will.

    (I didn’t know about these issues before I dated a single mother, I learned about them *because* I dated a single mother. It was an important lesson, and I’m glad I learned it when I did, so, no regrets. But dating single mothers just isn’t for me, and it is what it is.)

  2. Ya but it didn’t really work. Nothing against them but our lives were so different it just didn’t make sense. Not on the same page.

  3. Tried it twice and it was a shit show each time.

    Will never date a single mother again unless those children are grown and on their own.

  4. yeah your phrasing is odd but I did wind up dating a single mother for 3 years, I wouldn’t recommend it though.

    I wound up seriously bonding with the child and deeply in love with the mother which made for a quite painful recovery from her leaving, in fact I’m still trying to process it a year after the fact.

    edit: a word

  5. The relationship went great at first, but eventually fizzled out. We just had different interests and priorities.

  6. It didn’t last long enough to matter, I made it clear that I didn’t want to meet her daughter until we got serious, which we never did.

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