My girlfriend and I have discussed starting an open relationship due to my new job keeping me away from home for weeks at a time. We have discussed rules for this and have agreed to ask each other if they are comfortable if something were to come up. Well my girlfriend, who is doing online school, decided she would discuss sexual stuff with another classmate and found out he is in an open relationship himself. She started texting him and decided, without asking if I was ok with it, to send him naked pictures of herself. I found out about it by checking her messages with him. I even asked her before finding out about it if she had sent any pictures to him and she said no. I had been reluctant to say anything due to her history of being cheated on by a previous fiancé as well as prior abuse but I couldn’t take the lies anymore. She turned it around on me saying I should not have been snooping, even though she has done this same thing to me many times before. I’m about to say screw it but we have a son we share along with her three kids from her prior relationship and they have called me dad for years. What kind of advice could anyone give me regarding this matter?

  1. Unfortunately, this is really rough because of the kids in the mix. The problem is she lied and, to a certain extent, cheated on you despite the fact you both were okay with an open relationship. An open relationship requires a lot of communication to which she seems to not be able to do and a lot of honesty and trust. I suggest talking about the issues… But my actual answer is to walk away because I can only assume the trust is gone at this point and if she can’t see the issue with what she did… It’s a lost cause.

    I’m very sorry though for what happened to you. That’s seriously lousy

  2. She’s just a cheater. It sucks about the kid. I would tell her go to her boyfriend. Maybe he will take care of her.

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