I (27M) and my best friend/ crush(22F) have known each other a while and are super close. We tell each other everything,text everyday and talk on the phone almost everyday,some weeks everyday,and these are calls that range from 30 minutes to five hours where we talk about everything and nothing at once

One thing to note about our relationship is that we are not a couple and even though I did tell her about my crush,she took it well but recently had some stuff with her ex she is working on. So,in reality,there really isn’t much of an issue there,plus I understand we aren’t a thing,so I don’t really have any right to get jealous or tell her anything

So because of this,I have grown insanely attached to her,like to the point where I live for her messages and phone calls we have. Now,she can have a bit of a dejected personality where she sometimes gets overwhelmed by life and needs to step back and do her own things,so sometimes we don’t talk as much ( I’m talking about a few hours at a time. For the most part,we talk throughout the day,some days more than other) and one consistent thing is the phone calls. We talk almost everyday,but, before every call I ask if she’s ok with talking on the phone,since she goes to school and has her own circle of loved ones and I completely understand if she wants to spend time with them. I know no one wants to be with me 24/7

The thing is,when we don’t talk as much or don’t talk on the phone,my mind goes to full on paranoia. I think she doesn’t like me any more,that I’ve been replaced etc,but the next day,we are talking like always,no love lost. I know this is an issue on my part,but it’s hard

1 comment
  1. U need to step back on the addiction. Ur moving towards being co-dependent on her. U should see a counsellor too.

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