I’ve been talking and hanging out with this girl for a couple months and we get along really well. Most times she has offered to let me stay the night at her place, the first couple times on the floor, the last few have been in the bed with her, and it’s a twin bed. But I haven’t tried anything because I don’t want to have been wrong and out of shyness.

Also, she did have a bottle of wine which we had a few glasses of.

Feel free to ask questions if it helps answer mine.

  1. It sounds like she comfortable with you being in the bed. You can ask her if she’s trying to hint at something or if she purely wants to just sleep in the bed together.

  2. Ask her out or let her know you’re interested. She could be doing it because she is interested. Should could be doing it because she’s not interested and thinks you’re not either so there’s no lines being crossed.

  3. Ask her where you stand, relationship wise. Either she views you as a brother and doesn’t think much of it, or she’s trying to send you very strong hints. I think the latter is much more likely.

    Either way, she trusts you.

    Does she talk to you late into the night? Do you snuggle? Or is she as faraway in the bed as possible?

    The best thing to do is to just ask her about it. No good will come of making assumptions, no matter what you do.

    Either you’ll be friendzoned or you’ll be confessed to. I don’t think she’ll mind the question.

  4. She is comfortable with you. Dont compromise that unless she communicates that she wants to do more.

  5. Ask directly.

    Why doesn’t anyone ask directly? Yall love this grey area bullshit.

    Ask her directly if she’s into you as more than friends. If she says no, say that’s fine and continue to sleep on the floor.

    I wouldn’t not be comfortable sleeping in the be with someone not interested in me.

    They wouldn’t owe me anything. But Im also not a human body pillow either.

  6. You’ll have to sit down with her and just have a talk! She’s comfortable around you and you don’t wanna ruin that but also talk to her in a way that is not awkward. Honestly speaking, I think she likes you.

  7. It means she trust you. That’s it. Anything else shouldn’t be assumed. Cowboy up and have a conversation with her. Clear communication with her, not assumptions and reddit guesses.

  8. You can’t really tell with this one, maybe she’s Canadian and was just being polite. Best bet is to just keep your wits about you and continue to look for signs.

  9. Tell her the truth–that it is hard for you to sleep in bed with her because you really feel the need to get physical when you are so close. Then be ready for a big surprise–to enjoy the floor, to be sent packing, or to get closer than you imagined!

  10. Whatever you do don’t start something physical while in bed. Talk about it before hand.

    Fall abck plan: If anything DOES start while you are both in bed make sure it starts verbally. “Say hey, your hair smells really nice. Would you like to snuggle me? Would you like head scratches? I really like being close to you. I enjoy the time we spend together.”

    Go slow. Be respectful. If she does nothing to escalate verbally or physically before you fall asleep then detach from her and get your own space on the bed. It is hard to sleep with all that pent-up sexual energy and you’re liable to do something stupid when you are half asleep.

    I don’t sleep in the same bed as someone I am sexually attracted to unless being physical is on the table.

  11. It’s sounding like you literally need it spelling out to you. It sounds like she wants you to he the man in this situation, so be just that, a man about it. Give her a cuddle, move in to kiss her, and if she doesn’t respond / pushes you away, you have your answer.

    Women do not tend to invite a man to sleep in their bed unless they are interested.

    The number one thing women like about a man is confidence, followed by a good sense of humour. I suggest you start working on your confidence, it will hold you in good stead for the future.

    If my post sounds blunt, it’s because it’s supposed to be. I prefer not to beat around th bush. No pun intended.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

  12. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    I suggested my friend should sleep next to me, as I didn’t want him to go on the *uncomfy) couch in his own home ; without any interest.

    I suggested an other friend to sleep next to me, because I wanted him.

    Talk to her:)

  13. You should have escalated with some playful touching, kissing and see where it lead when you were in the twin bed together. (Now before anyone jumps on my ass, if she expresses discomfort you simply stop and apologize, BUT if she’s receptive then that’s great you took a chance and it paid off). At that point she felt comfortable enough to have you in bed with her dude come on…

    People here telling you to verbally ask and pull her aside for a full on conversation are going to ruin your chances. Don’t listen to them lmao. You need to be able to read the vibe she’s giving off and act on it. She seems more like the type of person that wants the man to take the lead. The worst she can do is reject you and if that’s the case you apologize and leave if it’s too uncomfortable for you afterwards but don’t outright ask her something like “do you want me to cuddle you?” or “do you want me to kiss you?”. Like she’s letting you sleep in bed with her for God’s sake. That’s a very intimate act in itself. I could not fathom sharing a bed as an adult with another adult that I’m not attracted to. Their ass would be sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag or the couch but not right next to me in bed.

  14. I saw in the comments that youre planning on talking her today. I just want to wish the absolute best outcome for ya man. I really hope it works out. 🙂

    Also, good on you for planning on talking to her. I know I dont have the balls yet to do shit like that.

  15. Star with a conversation in the bed, see if you can initiate something innocent physically…I literally had this happen (floor and then asked to join in the bed). I simply comforted her…did not grope or anything…and you can see what happens

  16. Yeah, you need to make a move. Start with a kiss. If you don’t make a move, another guy will step in and be sleeping in that bed with her instead of you.


    On a side note, twin beds are awful to share. Getting nightmares thinking about having to use a twin bed again.

  17. It means she is gunna try tickling you. I got tickled and then she said don’t tickle me and said her side is where she is ticklish. I just alright, and that there boys is how you cockblock yourself

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