Right now im on vacation and my (22F) gf got invited over to stay over the night and get drunk at an AirBnB with both a (22F) female and (22M)male friend of hers. This male friend and my gf are homework buddies, they never hang out alone because she says it’s weird and we both know he likes her. But he doesn’t know yet that my gf is with me and hasn’t directly asked by gf yet if she is in a relationship, I’m planning to tell him in person after I go back home. What should I say or feel about all of this?

Tldr; gf is staying over the night to drink at an airbnb with a guy that likes her and with another female friend

  1. Yeah buddy, in my experience and I hate to say this, nothing good happening there.

  2. Is she close to the girl? Idk how I’d feel, it would depend on the vibes I got from her! She could want to go because she is close/wants to be close friends with the other girl. I’ve done things with people, even if I didn’t like everyone present.

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