Which fictional character do you think is a great role model for younger men?

  1. Josiah Bartlett and Jean-Luc Picard spring to mind.

    We haven’t had many good fictional role models since the ’90s.

  2. Role model for younger men? How about their fathers? Why would an adult use a fictional charge as a role model?

  3. Were it not for the rape scene I would’ve said Howard Roark.

    Ayn Rand had a thing for that;

  4. Sounds kinda cheesy but for me, it’s always been Spider-Man. Just always trying to do the right thing, no matter what the situation is or how hard it will be. Basically the complete opposite of the male “role models” I grew up with

  5. Hank Hill, yeah he’s a bit closed off but he’ll always try to do the right thing, helps his friends, loves his family despite how they behave, and he’s not afraid to call people out on their shit.

    The kind of man I wish I could have a beer with.

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