Hi all,
For a bit of context to the question, my wonderful partner and I have been sexually intimate for a couple of years and recently I’ve been getting more interested in cumming in the mouth (CIM) and facials.
When I asked my partner about maybe trying to do facials and CIM, she refused since she didn’t enjoy it the first one or two times we did it a year ago.
She commented that it made her feel dirty and didn’t want to feel like a pornstar. She remarked that she finds it demeaning.
Respecting that, I stopped asking but it has left me a bit sexually unfulfilled and also questioning whether I am a bad partner for wanting to ejaculate on my partners face or mouth. Does my want to do this a sign that I do not respect my partner?

To try and placate/ understand my feelings and sexual wants, I wanted to ask ladies their thoughts and opinion on this.

If your partner asks to do facial or to ejaculate in your mouth, what would you think?

Please note, that I am not trying to change my partner’s mind on her opinion of this. That’s for her to figure out. What I’m interested in is whether I should be concerned about my current sexual preferences and how to go about stopping my current sexual obsession to prevent discord in the relationship.

Thank you in advance,

  1. Some women like it, some women don’t. I enjoy it when my man does, but I can understand a woman not enjoying it too.

  2. Not at all. Taking a blowjob to completion is exceptionally common (not everyone is into it, such as your partner, but it isn’t rare at all). For me it’s just a courtesy! Go to the end, don’t leave him hanging, others struggle with this though and really just can’t. Facials are more divisive, cum in the eyes stings and in the hair needs washing out (depending on hair length/type this can be a big job!!). Still some are into it, some aren’t, you’re partner isn’t.

    Doesn’t make you a terrible person that you want to do this, doesn’t make her a terrible person that she doesn’t. Each to their own.

  3. I don’t find it demeaning, i just don’t like it ( cum in the eye burns like hell.) or understand the desire to do it. I mean you pull out of a warm sucking mouth to jerk off? Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Maybe ask yourself why you’re so unfulfilled from not being allowed to cum on her face. Then maybe you can see her point of view of why she doesn’t want to do it.

  4. i think personally that the level of dirtiness i am comfortable with is directly linked to how appreciated and respected i feel in the relationship

  5. My wife opens mouth really wide and I am careful she gets all in the mouth not face or hair. Sperm is really sticky and eyes burn. I dont want it to be inconvenient for her. When the moment is right for both of us I do it all over her.

  6. Nope, and then I keep in my my mouth and we kiss. Super hot.

    But we discuss it all before hand and it’s always my choice.

    “Where do you want to cum in me” is a fun game and my partners cum is very mild tasting.

  7. We women do not share a hive mind. Some of us love it, some of us hate it, and some of us can take it or leave it.

  8. >If your partner asks to do facial or to ejaculate in your mouth, what would you think?

    If my partner asked for that I’d make them scrub the kitchen floor on their hands and knees in nothing but a cock cage and whack them with a belt every time I remembered the request.

    But the guys I date would probably ask just to get that outcome…

    Point being, a survey of strangers is irrelevant, if she doesn’t want to do it, she doesn’t want to do it. And telling her Becky from Jersey said she’s down suggests you should leave her alone and go find Becky in Jersey.

  9. yes but not because i think its demeaning for them to do it but its demeaning for me if they ASK to do it because I like to be the one in control and making the demands if I want cum on my face I will demand it if i dont want cum on my face I wont. If they ask me then that is insulting and demeaning to me.

    Also obviously if they do it without my permission i would cut them off and never speak to them again, however i cant reall think of a scenario where they would be able to do it without me demanding it

  10. My timeline and situation is around the same for a “similar” situation. I’ll explain.

    My wife swallows. Loves it. She’s licking up precum, edging, and when I’m ready, she’s guzzling me down with “mmm,mmm” I’m between swallows. Ok?

    So I’m a guy right? I was feeling frisky during a shared shower blowjob one night and I asked her if she wouldn’t mind if I came all over her beautiful face? She spat out my cock stood up and finished her shower while explaining to me how degrading and truly disgusting it was to her. I see her point, it is of course. So a couple weeks later she’s sucking away and instead of whatever we were about to do next, she suggests, as a long standing joke between us, that I give her a pearl necklace “just to try out once” in her own words, I oblige and pop out and do the job. She starts gagging immediately and laughs and running and gagging to the bathroom and I hear toilet paper being pulled violently , a shower run, and all kinds of commotion for 10 minutes before she returns. She found that to be disgusting too.

    For reference again , this is the woman who tells me she loves swallowing my cum and externally, she’s given me handjobs and played with the cum and licked it off her fingers without a problem!

    The issue is the degradation I think. It’s valid and personal. It’s been interesting.

  11. As long as your preferences do not include anything illegal, then you never need to be ashamed of them. Finding a partner who also has those same preferences is key. Or else settling with a partner who does not. But no need for shame.

    Personally I enjoy being degraded in certain ways in the bedroom. But it’s always my choice. I would never do something I didn’t want to do.

  12. It makes me feel like a pornstar… not in a good way. It makes me feel super degraded.

    But if he wants it I will do it. But I don’t particularly like it and defo makes me feel crappy for a bit afterwards

  13. If I’m having sex with someone it’s because I’m comfortable enough with them that pretty much nothing would be out of bounds (nothing I like doing, of course). And getting facials is definitely one of my favourite things to do.

  14. To me it’s demeaning in a hot way.

    All the things that she says – “dirty”, “porn star”

    I agree with the words but not the connotations. In a sexual context, that’s what is hot in my opinion.

  15. I don’t like him to ask. I like it to be my idea. Definitely not something I’m always in the mood for.

  16. Just remember you’re asking your question in a sex positive forum and answers will be skewed accordingly

  17. Fun fact if sperm gets in the eye it think its an egg, and therefore tries to fertilise the eye.

  18. These comments 💀. I should pick my wife up some flowers on the way home and tell her how grateful I am for her.

    Wanting to give a facial doesn’t mean you don’t respect her. For some people, cumplay is a way to give and receive compliments and affirmation. But it’s one of these things that is a matter of erotic compatibility. If she finds it degrading now, she probably always will. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t respect her, just because you find the idea hot.

  19. It depends on whether the partner leads a healthy lifestyle with regard to eating, exercise, etc. While some claim that semen tastes salty and bitter, others claim that it tastes sweet and syrupy. I dunno, maybe just show each other respect.

  20. I like it in my mouth, like a lot. But I am not crazy about it on my face because it stings the eyes.

    Every woman is obviously going to feel differently.

  21. I certainly know people who hate it but I personally would rather my partner cum in my mouth, every time. I don’t know i just find anywhere else sort of… Awkward? Having cum on my face is hot for sure but only for about 15 seconds when I realize its now all in my hair and my lashes and that I have to shower before I do anything else. The amount of effort isnt worth the reward.

    While this is an interesting question, I don’t believe it helps you. If your partner finds it demeaning, she finds it demeaning and can’t (and shouldn’t be) convinced otherwise. Your sexual preferences are valid, and so are hers. Think hard about it- is this a curiosity, or something you need to explore to feel fulfilled? Is there something else you’d like to try that she may be into, that would allow you to explore in a way everyone would enjoy?

  22. Not at all. Though my preference is he cums in me first, then for round 2 I can swallow/facial. I understand the first time he cums is the “best” so I’m willing to go along with doing it round 1.

  23. I personally find on my face demeaning, and don’t like it. I do not at all mind in my mouth and this is to me the logical place for it, lol. I would say it really depends on the person!

  24. I personally can’t get past the texture, so unfortunately it’s a no from me. I don’t even think it’s dirty or degrading, I understand why it’s sexy and exciting but I just can’t do it.

    It’s okay to ask, once. But when I say “I prefer not to do that”, then continuing to ask or pester feels very disrespectful.

  25. As a guy, I think cumming in a mouth just physically feels better than pulling out. There’s nothing demeaning about that. As for facials, I think the main reason guys enjoy them is either because facials can be demeaning or marking (or both). There’s no additional physical pleasure from cumming on a face versus anywhere else, so it’s all a mental/visual pleasure. So the fact that they’re demeaning/marking is a part of the taboo appeal for many men, and a woman has the right to not want to be objectified in that manner if she doesn’t like to feel that way.

  26. Yes, I don’t allow cum above the neck. I did it once with a guy I’d been seeing a while, it not only made ME feel gross, it got in my eye. If I ever do it again, I’m wearing goggles.

    Edit: I prefer to swallow anyway, more intimate.

  27. TIL from the comments that we probably need to add swim goggles to our toy chest in the event we ever try this. I had no idea that women were getting blinded out there from jizz in the eye.

  28. woman here: not demeaning, but i dont like liquidy stuff sprouting in my mouth in general, so no 😀

  29. Thank you all for your opinions and comments.
    Both for and against the topic.
    As some stated, this subreddit has a sex positive bias due to the rules of the subreddit and I understand that comments will be quite biased.
    Again, I’m not trying to augment my partner’s personal opinion with other ladies’ opinion on the matter.
    I genuinely was just curious if my sexual preference (facial and oral finish) is a male only fantasy that developed from over consumption of pornography and one that the fairer sex does not at all support or enjoy.
    Also I have heard about semem getting on the eye is painful and irritating as hell; definitely not into maiming my partner through what’s meant to be a pleasurable activity for both of us.

    Thanks again all,

  30. A lot of women don’t like this.

    I gave a purposeful facial to my ex-wife once, and it was awkward. I literally laughed seconds after the first few ropes shot out. She grimaced the entire time. We agreed not to do that again. She would swallow if I actually came from head.

    The current lady, doesn’t do facials (on purpose) but sometimes when I pull out she gets splatted on the face (I’m a shooter). And she will suck me until I cum, but runs to go spit after (totally fine with that).

    I don’t blame them, I don’t think I would want someone to cum on my face either, and idk if I would swallow lol. Gotta be empathetic sometimes.

  31. I enjoy it, but some women may not. I also enjoy it largely because I trust my partner to ask beforehand and he always takes care of me after it’s done.

    Respect plays a big part in it. If there is none, I wouldn’t enjoy it at all.

  32. Personal opinion – cum in the mouth? FUCK yes 🤤 (although I don’t think all females agree, sometimes the taste varies/can make you gag or puke..) Cum on face? Eehhhhhh, most of the time I’d say no go, just because I don’t like messing up my makeup

  33. I personally don’t like it. It’s sticky. My SO asked awhile back and I said no. He never asked again. I say a no is a no. If she wants it she will bring it up.

  34. I personally don’t feel it to be degrading or disrespectful, although I don’t enjoy it for other reasons.

  35. Every sexual act can be seen differently by different people. Some people find handcuffs in bed to be incredibly dirty, but for others they’re just another Tuesday.

    In my judgment, just asking isn’t demeaning. It would only be a problem if you kept pressuring her after she’d said no.

  36. I’m available if you are ready to cum in my mouth 👄, don’t forget you’re going to like my pink pussy when you make me wet

  37. My partner asked about that, I said no, and he respects it, but had another option like cumming onto my breasts and that’s fine with me. Just asnlong as it’s not on my face and specially mouth. My respect to those who like it😅

  38. There’s nothing wrong with you for having that preference. It doesn’t mean you don’t respect your partner.

    There’s also nothing wrong with your partner for disliking it.

    For the record, I am someone who is fine with facials and occasional swallowing. But even I would be a little put off if my partner told me he *needed* that stuff to feel sexually fulfilled. For one thing, I’d immediately wonder if he’s saying that to manipulate me into fulfilling fantasies he *wants* but doesn’t *need* fulfilled. Not saying that’s what you’re doing OP – maybe you’re one of the rare guys who really does NEED facials and CIM to feel sexually satisfied – but if you are, just be aware lots of women aren’t comfortable with that. It certainly isn’t the norm. And for me, it would be a dealbreaker if my partner actually did need that stuff, because it would be way too much pressure for acts I only enjoy at most 1-2x a month.

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