Everytime my bf and I have amazing sex he ejaculates a lot. Is this a thing?

  1. I’ve definitely had times where I came a lot more than usual.. could of just been because I didn’t have sex recently before that time

  2. Diet and health impact ejaculate quantity more than the quality of sex, also if he’s supplementing with zinc. However how long a man has been horny for also impacts it greatly. If he’s been getting horny all day or if you guys have had a lot of foreplay then in my experience the prostate really ramps up production of seminal fluid and it becomes more watery and less sticky, with a lot more volume. Tantric sex is great for this also, as by the time you ejaculate it can be alot, which feels great.

  3. The longer the guy lasts, the more he’s going to ejaculate.

    It also depends on what he eats too. Celeries are great for producing thick semen 🤭

  4. I have noticed if we have sex longer than usual I can feel more clearly when he cums inside me because more comes out. It might depend on whether you think length of sex is related to quality.

  5. No, but fluid intake, how long since last release, and vitamins do. Sometimes it’s just that person.

  6. Not sure where to start. I don’t think you’re asking what you think you’re asking. “quantity of sperm” is mostly irrelevant, unless your goal is to get pregnant. The testes produce pretty much continuously. If he hasn’t ejaculated in months his count will be higher than if he does it twice a day. I don’t think this is what you’re asking though.

    Also, quality is a loaded term. If it feels too good, maybe he comes too fast. Too fast and it’ll likely be low volume. The longer it takes, the bigger the load. That’s one factor anyway. Time since the last ejaculation is a bigger factor. If it’s only been an hour, it’s not likely to be very big, if anything at all. If it’s been days, it’s more likely to be a big load.

    So, what influences the volume of his ejaculate:

    1) Has it been hours or days since the last time.
    2) Is he well hydrated.
    3) How quickly did he go from flaccid to orgasm.

    In my experience these are the key factors that influence the volume of ejaculate.

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