She was extremely quiet, and I was pretty anxious there (I am working on my social anxietey, but sometimes I just have a hard time to open), as I could only talk to the people I knew already, and we didn’t really mix. I was waiting for some better opportunity (yes this was the mistake I shouldve avoided), but she ended up leaving extremely early. I was talking about my hobby, she showed geniune interest but we couldn’t really dive deeeper as other activity got recommended/forced. I suspect we have the same hobbies. Is this a missed opportunity, or should I try texting her? Is this wierd? Or rather ask/recommend our common friend to invite her next time we go out? (We regularly go out to drink, play games, etc.)

  1. Shoot your shot! The worst that can happen is she is uninterested and you move on. Something like “I had a great time talking with you at the party, I wish we could’ve gotten some more time to talk” or something around those lines.

    I did this with a girl in my friend group where we too regularly went out and drank or played games. It was awkward for like a weekend after I asked her out on a date, but then it was business as usual. Again, you don’t have much to lose!

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