Tl;dr: Girl leads me on and feeling confused on how I should feel.

BACKSTORY: So to start off, I’ve [20m] known this girl [19] all this time I’ve been working at my job (just a small cookie store). We always talked and got along quite well; I’ve bought her lunch at work, we always joked around, made the job enjoyable for each other, and sometimes talked about personal struggles we’ve had. Hell, I even comforted her when her ex broke up with her (whom started sleeping with other girls not even a few days after)!

So time goes by and I begin to have an interest with this girl, eventually I end up ask her out on a date. I tell her we can go bowling, go try a new burger place, and maybe even some ice cream and have a nice day out. And she seemed really interested in going, smiling and whatnot; telling me she was really looking forward to it.

And the day before we were supposed to go out, I send her a text at what time I think we should go out? She sees the message and doesn’t respond.

Well maybe she had things to do, so I’ll wait by the end of the day to see if she leaves a response! Silence. Well maybe she was just tired, so I’ll give until a few hours before the time we were gonna go to see if she responds then. Nothing.

It’s been a few weeks and I haven’t heard from her since. She put in her two weeks right around the time we were gonna go on the date. And her schedule just so happened to work around the hours we usually worked together.

No explanations, no rejection, no sense of closure from her whatsoever. No consideration for our so called friendship, or even respect for me as a person to call it off instead of wasting my time, to hope for something that was she wasn’t even considering.

Come to find, she’s made a Tinder profile, asking “To find a reason to delete the app”.

Now here I am, having so many conflicting emotions, I feel crazy! I feel played! I want to cry, but I know I shouldn’t! And to make matters worse is I feel like I am still holding out for that minuscule possibility if she changes her mind.

I’m still an amateur at dating, so I never expected for something like this to happen, especially, from someone like her. Is it normal to be feeling this way?

1 comment
  1. What she did was very immature. She’s obviously young though so i guess it’s to be expected on some level. She should have just told you “I’m having second thoughts. I don’t want to go out”. She could have saved you a bit of time and worry at no real cost to herself.

    I know it’s tough but you got to forget about it. I’d probably just try to avoid her, which will be easy since she is already trying to avoid you. Ask someone else.

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