What you do on the mornings before leaving to work?

  1. I work from home so I say goodmorning to my husband, wash up, apply make up, dress, make coffee, drink coffee and get upstairs to my office 🙂

  2. I wfh as well. I exercise, watch a couple of shows, and eat breakfast. I like a peaceful start to the day.

  3. Wake up half an hour earlier than I need to so I can snuggle husband for a bit. Have a berocca and a poached egg on toast, try and make myself look human, out the door by 5am.

  4. Every morning I make coffee before my husband wakes up and then we drink it together while talking for 5-10 minutes. Everything else is flexible, sometimes I wake up earlier to take a shower (if I did not shower the previous night) or to exercise (and then take a shower), but not every day. On office days, I get ready, make some sandwiches and leave. On home office days I have time to relax a bit, some me-time to reflect on things, to read a book for a few minutes etc., and then I start working. I usuay eat breakfast later, after working for 30-40 minutes to have a plan for my day. If my husband works from home, we have breakfast together after his team meeting (first thing when he starts working every day).

  5. pee, brush my teeth and get dressed. i shower in the evenings so i don’t have to get up as early and don’t eat in the mornings. makes me nauseous

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