Hello there. I have recurring dreams with my ex boyfriend for 3 years already. Always different scenarios but in every I feel strong emotions about him.
In reality we broke up because of a distance. I am in a relationship with another person in which I consider myself happy. Why I say “consider” – because I wonder if subconsciously or whatever something is still happening in my head.
Situation with dreams – It feels to me like an open gestalt. The problem is I don’t want to text the guy about that. He probably won’t react well.
I am afraid if not distance, our relationship could work and it’s exactly that itch in my head. And we broke up in a “honeymoon” period when relationships are bright, fresh and all perfect. It might trick me in thinking he was so good. Thoughts that he choose everyday to not be with me are not really effective either. (I feel like a scam, very confused) and not like I think of him all the time, only after these dreams. But they are pretty often..
Can anyone suggest me on how to close this gestalt in my head without involving him haha?

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