I’ve known my best friend for 2 years now and we’ve been close since pretty much we first met. Over the course of our relationship we grew very close, hugging, holding hands, cuddling sometimes even. Most of this was pushed from his end. I never really wanted to do any of the cuddling stuff but I got used to it. It would be safe to say that we are both the best friends we have both had.

Over time he wanted to do more where it got to the point where he’s essentially confessed he’s bisexual for ME only (weird thing is he doesn’t want to have sex) but he’s straight. It’s weird. And before anyone asks, we’re both straight. He’s only “bi” for me.

Now let’s call my best friend Simon. Simon doesn’t want me to have sex with women (even just interact) if he can’t get the same level of intimacy (not sex but kissing and foreplay etc). I have explained to him I can’t do this and this has caused a serious strain on our relationship.

His solutions
– We both go celibate (apparently for 3 years) till he finds a woman he can fall in love with and marry
– I do the sexual things he wants out of love for him and I get to fuck who I want

In my honest opinion I do not understand why it bothers him so much that I have sex with women. We are both straight with him being slightly bi for me. However the easiest option for him (in my opinion) is to get used to it. Does he think I will never fuck a woman in my life?

What do you think is the best step forward.

Any advice would be really appreciated

Tl;dr my best friend is in love with me and my friendship might be ending

  1. Ummm no. This person is not your friend. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but this is not healthy at all. I don’t think he is bi for you, I think he’s obsessed with you. He wants to use you to make himself feel better.

    I think you need to start distancing yourself from this person. You never, ever put your life on hold for someone just to make them feel better. That is all kinds of fucked up.

  2. > We are both straight with him being slightly bi for me.

    My dude, he’s not “slightly.” He is absolutely bisexual and has strong romantic feelings for you. He doesn’t want you to have sex with women because he loves you and it makes him jealous. Now, he’s not exactly handling them in the best of ways, to say the least. But you also need to recognize that his feelings for you are very real.

    As for how to move forward, you need to be clear — polite, but clear — that you only see him as a friend and can’t return his feelings. If he’s unable to remain friends with you after that, that’s just how it goes sometimes.

  3. You stop doing any physical act you’re not comfortable with. You date whomestever the fuck you want. And you drop this slimy manipulative POS completely.

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