I don’t like that I’m the only one doing any cleaning, but if I stop I’m gonna live in filth.

  1. Distance myself from those family members. Just pick up after your own shit and wait it out until you can move out.

  2. I suck it up and do what my parents tell me to do because I have no choice if I don’t want to deal with them being mad at me.

  3. It sounds like you’re young and stuck living at home til you can move out. Is there a way to just keep your own private space clean and tidy? And buy your own separate dishes/plates/utensils to use for your own food that you’d clean and keep in your room? Let the rest of them live in a sty.

  4. By cutting ties with them.

    While staying alone i have to be the only one to clean but if you are forced to be that way even when you aren’t alone then it’s worst.

  5. There is no easy answer to this question. If you are in a position where you are expected to provide servitude just because you are a woman, it is important to have a frank conversation with your family members about your expectations and what you are willing to do. It may be necessary to set boundaries and establish rules about who can expect what from you. Ultimately, if the expectations of your family members are unreasonable or unfair, you may need to distance yourself from them.

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