5 months ago I moved to a different state that is about a 3 hour flight from my homestate and i am so happy i did it. First its forced me to become more social and get out of my comfort a bit and i feel like ive exceled.

More importantly, My family is not toxic in any way but there were certain dynamics that i had to get away from. I was the person who got alot of calls for help from parents uncles and aunts. I was always happy to do it, but after a few years it became overwhelming especially cause there are enough people in our family capable of doing it. I started to realize that while i was always focused on helping others i never made time to focus on myself and my future relationships. And that dynamic was hard to break being close to family. I tried setting boundaries the best i could but old habits die hard. Then my cousins started getting kids and long term relationships but i didnt have either of that so it was easier to ask me then to ask someone who had a kid. I got a lot of “i would ask your cousin but she has a baby/toddler which is alot to handle”.

Moving has allowed me to focus on me more and hopefully create better relationships with people that arent just based on favors or family. Also i love my family but living close to the same people i grew up with made us repetitive (same trips, same hangouts,etc) and i wanted to do more things like travel more but everybody was contempt with doing the same thing every week.

1 comment
  1. Congrats! Sometimes we need a bit of a distance even to appreciate more our family and obviously out time alone and freedom.

    My best wishes!

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